Amber's blog.
A) Four jobs I have had in my life
1. Greeter Girl @ Express (does the joy ever end?)
2. Art teacher
3. Mom
4. Designer-seamstress-small business owner (I adore the term "cottage industry"...and it's a cozy cottage at that)
B) Four movies I would watch over and over
1. Sweet Home Alabama
2. Ocean's Eleven
3. You've Got Mail
4. Runaway Bride (yes, I'm an official sap)
C) Four places I have lived
1. Nanakuli, Hawaii (no recollection of these 6 months)
2. Mililani, Hawaii
3. Wakarusa, Indiana (loved this town)
4. Morenci, Michigan
D) Four TV shows I love to watch
1. Grey's
2. hmmm...I like those interior design shows I get to watch at the in-laws'
3. I don't know...I've watched Shark twice and it's okay...
Great quote in this last one; what was it now?...something like, "You would think I'd get tired of constantly being right. And yet it never gets old."
4. Whatever CSI show it is that hubby watches with Gibbs on it. Is that even how you spell Gibbs? It's how I spell Gibbs. What a fun name. Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs.
E) Four places I have been on vacation
1. New York, New York
2. Vancouver, Canada (and we almost had to live there forever because my parents didn't know we kiddos needed passports to get back into the US...)
3. Seattle, Washington (Mercer Island)
4. Cape May, New Jersey (lots of spiders...don't ask)
F) Four Websites I visit daily
2. Yahoo mail
3. eBay
4. SouleMama or some other blog or Etsy
pretty much in that order, too (type A here)
G) Four of my favorite foods
1. Pie. Especially tart fruit pies.
2. Tortilla soup
3. Broccoli (I suspect this is due to a mutant gene from my uncle)
4. Bread. Preferrably Euro style. I could never go on an Atkins diet because I so love bread and I think any nutritionist with half a conscience would say Atkins is the scariest thing next to cabbage-soup diet.
H) Four places I would like to be right now
1. A South Pacific island, in a hammock
2. On a luxury train somewhere in Europe
3. Christmas shopping in New York or Chicago
4. Four hours into the future where all my cleaning and sewing for the day is done but I didn't have to actually do it
And now to reveal the real reason I'm doing this meme (and you thought it was a scheme to kill you with boredom):
I hereby tag all those people related to me who only manage to post on their blogs once every three weeks. Instant topic. I'm helping you out here.
And I specifically tag Kristin, who now has the subject of her first post. Go at it, Kris. :)