Wednesday, November 01, 2006

a wednesday dozen

1. I am on a mission to reclaim my body. The story goes like this. Last July I started a much-needed prescription, which had the lovely side-effect of a twenty pound weight gain. Oh, the joy. So now I am running (read: very slowly jogging) 1-2 miles/day, 5 days/week...a gradual start so I don't keel over and die on the spot from being so terrifically out of shape.

The idea here is to be able to fit into my clothes again. My weight management strategy is as follows: never buy clothes in a larger size. When they get tight, I am forced to lose the weight. This is a brilliant plan, except for right now, when it is not so brilliant a plan.

But it will be brilliant again soon, when it works. Just wait.

2. It is perfectly acceptable to use either "most importantly" or "most important" at the beginning of a sentence. Many people (okay, a blessed few people who are more obsessed with grammar than I am) will try to sway you one way or the other, with convincing arguments on either end. Ignore them and employ whichever suits you best.

3. Shopping for the person who has it all? Try here.

4. Zee insists that he is not learning about letters in kindergarten, he is learning about alpha friends. And we mustn't talk about either of the two at home, because all that stuff is for school, and my name is Mom, not Mrs. His Teacher. So. If he happens to become passably literate before age 12, it will be no thanks to me.

5. Zee has also lost his first tooth. The second is hanging by a thread. I think this afternoon I shall tell him to stand outside in the wind a bit with his mouth open. That should do the trick.

6. I also had to explain to him that the tooth fairy at our house is not as rich as the tooth fairy at other people's houses, so get used to it now, buddy.

7. I love sweatshirt-and-jeans weather, double socks. It makes me think of Christmas. My husband finds this amusing, but I have a reasonable explanation: where I grew up, sweatshirt-and-jeans weather meant Christmas. Or January. Makes me want to lick a candy cane, just talking about it.

8. I am very picky.

9. I thought maybe I'd grow out of number 8, but so far no such luck.

10. But we shan't give up hope. It could be just a very long phase. I'm certain it'll be over in another 60 years or so.

11. (When I am either dead or senile.)

12. While we're on the subject, please somebody outlive me and incorporate this quote in some manner at my funeral:

“Someday you will read in the papers that D. L. Moody of East Northfield is dead. Don’t you believe a word of it! At that moment I shall be more alive than I am now..."

“I was born of the flesh in 1837. I was born of the Spirit in 1856. That which is born of the flesh may die. That which is born of the Spirit will live forever.”

(by DL Moody, in case you didn't catch on to this)

13. Happy Wednesday. Oh, look! A baker's dozen. (Either that, or the senility's kicking in early.)


Blogger kris said...

I love your Baker's Dozen-I will even share the title of your #8 with you. I know, I know, you didn't know you weren't the only picky one-it is true I am picky. If you are unsure about this, just ask our waitress from 'Famous Dave's' last night.

11:20 AM  

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