Sunday, August 20, 2006

Five Things

Okay, so the other day I read on someone’s blog (too lazy to look up whose; sorry) that Carmen wants us all to post a minimum of five things we’re thankful for. Now, I don’t know who this Carmen-gal is, exactly (or at all), but if you do, tell her this was a fabulous idea.

Five things (serious version)

1. Hope

Hub and I borrowed “United 93” (which, in case you’re dying to hear my review, was good in theory but lacking in execution), and this prompted a discussion about how people face death. Watching the video, you could almost grip the despair, it was so palpable.

I can’t imagine the horror, the consuming sadness of approaching death bereft of hope. It was hard to watch.

2. Forgiveness

I’ve been the sole founder of many less-than-stellar-moments, to put it mildly. Without forgiveness—a wiped out past, clean start—I don’t think I could have lived with myself, and I do mean that quite literally.

3. Family

They’re strange but they’re mine and I’m blessed.

4. Memory

A blessing and a curse, and (at least in my case) growing increasingly unreliable with time...but memory is essential to who we are at our very core, y’know? (Don’t think about this one too much, it’ll keep you up at night. Or maybe that’s just me. Is it just me? Okay, it’s me.)

5. I don’t know what to choose here...there are just too many candidates...color and companionship and peace and laughter and quiet and health and language and touch and music and emotions and literature and ‘em all...

Five more things (not so serious)

1. All things chocolate. Except for maybe chocolate covered pork fat. That’s just wrong.

2. Toilet paper (okay, you’re making a face, but really, I know you’re grateful for this one too...)

3. Duct tape. Good for all occasions. Incidentally, have you ever made a duct-tape wallet? Tres chic, I tell you. And tres cheap, too.

4. Bubbles. They’re just so happy.

5. Dishwasher. Ingenious piece of work; I would like to personally kiss whomever is responsible for it.

So there you go. See? I can be thankful if I try.


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