Saturday, November 04, 2006

What we learned today

So here's the thing. If you're going to put a bunk bed together, first of all, do not inform your children that you are putting their bunk bed together let alone promise them that they will be able to sleep in it tonight. Because chances are, you are lying.

Second, do not tell your husband, "No, go ahead honey, I'll do it myself and you can just help me lift the top bed up at the end." Especially if he is on his way out the door as you say it, because then you have to actually mean it.

Third, in light of number two, do not succumb to your overambitious urges and attempt to hoist the top bunk into place yourself. This is A Bad Idea.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Today I learned that I am really good at assembling bunk beds. Plus, I am really bad at assembling bunk beds. This actually does make sense.

I am totally Bob Vila's twin because if you put some bunks together 3 1/2 times in one evening, you get to be good. (The first time my husband was helping, so I'm only taking half the blame.)

I'm really bad at it because of, well, the 3 1/2 times.


Practical lesson number one: let's just say that in spite of the fact that all the pieces look the same, it does matter which goes where. This is because of the little pre-drilled holes that you only notice after you've tightened all the screws.

Lesson number two: try not to lose your instructions two houses ago.

Lesson number three: if you happen to snap some of the wood off (twice), just flip the piece over and drill your own holes. Yes, I know how to use a drill. I told you, Bob Vila's twin here.

Lesson number four: no matter how Bob Vila-ish you may be, unless you have 8-feet-long arms, you will not under any circumstances be able to place the top bunk on the bottom bunk yourself. Although you might manage to mash your thumb a good one.


Three hours later, the screws are in place, the kids are in bed, and my thumb is still attached to my hand. So I'm categorizing this one as a success.

Just call me Bob. Or else. Did I mention I have a drill?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lot's of laughter for this blog!! I am excited to know that we finally have a Bob Vila in the family, since we have NOT had one before. (sorry guys). Now if we just could find a good mechanic, a dentist, a doctor and lawyer, we will be all set. I guess the burden lies on Kristin's shoulder to marry a man with all of these abilities!!

1:39 PM  
Blogger kris said...

I am up for the task folks! Please let me know of other professions you think would be helpful to us and will save us loads of money.

11:33 AM  

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