Tuesday, July 18, 2006

And that's why we call her "Stinkerbelle"

My kids have this thing for lemonade.

I have this thing for 100% fruit juice. Still, sometimes I cave.

Yesterday was one of those times. It was Very Hot Indeed, because, well, it’s July. And we were sitting around staring at each other, reluctant to move a millimeter for fear of perspiring.

Okay, so I was sitting there, reluctant to move a millimeter, while my children ran in haphazard circles around me.

At some point, the jumbled pile of damp bodies clamored their way to me, saying, “Lemonade?”

And I said, “Orange Juice?”

And The Pile said, “Lemonade?”

Me: “Apple Juice?”

Pile: “Lemonade?”

“Tomato Juice?”


So, being the good mum that I am, I whipped up a batch of lemonade. Which is to say, I mixed one part powder with three parts water, as we had no lemons hanging about our place.

This is when I made my first mistake. I handed Elle some of the tart liquid in a non-spill-proof sippy cup.

Those of you with young children know that the world is populated with two kinds of sippy cups: the regular kind, and the spill-proof kind. Although truly, the spill-proof variety is more like spill-retardant; it just slows the process down a bunch. But I’m assuming “spill-retardant” didn’t look as appealing on the cardboard packaging. So.

My second mistake was remaining in the kitchen to pour a glass for Em while Elle headed for the living room.

When she reappeared at my side, asking for “more nemnade,” I initially thought that she is a Really Fast Drinker. It turns out, however, that she is a Really Fast Spiller. Or Pourer, to be more precise.

I must say that it is quite alarming how much liquid can escape through those four teensy holes in the time it takes for me to turn around and grab the cup from Elle.

Why they even make the non-spill-proof-sort, I have no earthly idea.

She is quite adorable, and very much the stinkerbelle in the family. But to her credit, she is not too shabby at sopping up lemonade puddles.


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