Friday, July 14, 2006

Budding van Gogh's

Body art is big in our family. No, I don’t mean the smear-tinted-mud-on-a-stranger’s-belly type of body art. The kind I mean is far simpler (and much less disturbing). Here are step-by-step instructions in case you’d like to recreate this experience in your own home.

1. Find any type of writing utensil. Pens, markers, and highlighters work best. Crayons and pencils, not so good.
2. Hide from Mom.
3. Draw all over your knees, arms, stomach, palms; any part of exposed skin will do. Be careful when drawing on your own nose.
4. Alternate between long, graceful curves, and quick dots and dashes. Circles have a particular aesthetic appeal, but they can be tricky.
5. When you run out of room, draw on your brother’s leg. It helps if he holds still.
6. Proudly tell Mom, “I draw!” and point to masterpieces (if brother mentioned above has not already told on you).

Elle is an expert at body art, and Em is not far behind. I used to be somewhat alarmed at things like this, but that was about three kids ago. I have since found out that children are very washable. Much more so than curtains, walls, and other people’s leather couches.

I’ve learned to pick my battles.


Blogger kris said...

Ok, sister-in-law you have just confirmed it-you are perfect! It is no wonder you chose our family to marry into (you needed to be with other like you). Hee hee hee, those who know are laughing because the complete opposite it true. Yeah for the updates on my adorable family! I will have to give Zee pointers on riding his bike-I remember being quite good at that age, as long as dad was holding onto the back of my bike. Did your husband tell you that one of his first bikes was a lovely aqua bike with a flowery banana seat?! He will try and deny it, but is is true, there were even colorful stringy things off the handle bars. My work here is done!
--Your favorite sister-in-law

8:15 AM  
Blogger Todd Owens said...

Ok, my sis is quite delusional in her old age of "almost 40". She clearly has lost her mind.

My first bike was a red color with a picture of a kangaroo on it that had solid, not air filled, wheels. It definetly stunted MY bike riding skills. My second bike was a VERY cool blue bike that I kept until stolen and later sold by the police at an auction.

The bike you are "remembering", and I use that term loosely, is your blue bike with the red handlebars and seat. And I it because its seat was more comfy.

8:08 PM  

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