On relaxation
When you are one, you are bossy. Elle is an aspiring dictator. It does not occur to her that her littleness makes her the least likely candidate for this position in our family.
I sprawled out across the bed today in hopes of a few minutes' reprieve from the chaos of mommyhood. Within thirty seconds, Elle was at my side, pulling my fingers, insisting, "Mon! Mon!" (Translation: "Come on!" for those of you who don't speak Elle.) "Mommy, MONNNNNN!"
She does this quite often, and generally I give in at some point. This is partly out of the guilt that I do not pay close enough attention to my children much of the time; that they are racing towards adolescence right under my nose, and I am missing it. And partly (okay, mostly) out of the fact that She Is Cute.
I have learned that Elle is not usually headed anywhere in particular, or perhaps she has forgotten her intended destination as she totters down the hall, mommy in tow. The main point is that she has confirmed that the universe does, indeed, spin around her wishes, which do not include any type of mommy relaxation.
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