Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I know, I know

...I'm supposed to be sewing, but I'm taking another break (read: procrastinating). This probably means I'll be up till midnight, bleary-eyed, squinting at my thread, but no matter. I'll deal with that when it comes.

Right now I am enjoying an ice-cream sandwich, the skinny, store-bought kind that comes eighteen-to-a-box, the kind where the chocolatey sandwich part sticks to the back of your teeth. Mmmm.

The taste brings to mind a fragment of memory: high school, sitting in Emi's white car in Town Center parking lot, the pair of us consuming a box of ice cream sandwiches before church. Licking the wrappers, even. (Well, probably not her, she was too polite, but I was surely engaging in some serious wrapper-licking.)

Such a lovely thing, memory. But okay, right, the sewing. I'm off.


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