A random dozen
A take off my FIL’s blog on “random thoughts,” here are twelve random tidbits about me.
1. I love it here. Really, I do. Early on in summer, I was stretched out on backyard grass with wind in my hair, sky so blue it might burst above me, sunlight washing everything molten gold. It was the first time I consciously recognized how beautiful it is here.
2. Jan through March, I hate it here.
3. Chocolate chip cookies taste better with peanut butter and a bit of cinnamon mixed in, IMO. (For everyone Swiss or married to someone Swiss, IMO=in my opinion. Notice I didn’t use IMHO, which means in my humble opinion, as I would have been lying.)
4. I am not-so-secretly horrified at the number of structural errors in the classroom newsletters written by my children’s teachers throughout the year. These are the very people charged with the duty of teaching my sons how to spell, punctuate, and properly construct a sentence. (What was I thinking?) Tres annoying.
5. Not anywhere nearly annoying enough to persuade me to homeschool.
6. I am, right at this very moment, observing my daughter as she licks pencils. And wondering whether or not I should be concerned.
7. In spite of number 4, I have a penchant for using fragments, particularly for emphasis. Like this. But in my defense, it’s a stylistic thing, or at least that’s what I tell people.
8. My favorite Sesame Street characters are those weirdo jelly guys from outer space who only say, “Yep yepyepyepyepyep, Uh-huh, uh-huh,” followed by the Tweedlebugs who live in Bert’s flower box. The Count would be a distant third. (He has a great laugh.)
9. I’d still watch Fraggle Rock if it were on. (Yes, it’s supposed to be “were,” not “was,” because of the subjunctive mood. I think.)
10. I used to make fun of people who religiously watched Grey’s Anatomy and rehashed the drama between Meredith and McDreamy after each episode. And then I actually watched a show. And now I’m hooked, although I could do without all the extramarital steaminess.
11. I started a quilt for Ann and Jer’s baby two months ago. I joked w/Jeremy that hopefully it’ll be done before C graduates, but now it looks like maybe I wasn’t actually joking.
12. Despite living in this house since May, we still have a garage half-full of packed boxes. This gnaws at me, but then I unpack a box and I’m good for a week.
Okay, who's next?
Addendum: So now I'm seized with guilt for being the person who complains about hardworking teachers (I've always despised that person). So here's the thing:
Yes, I do realize that we cannot reasonably expect to attract the creme de la creme with such meager pay (haha, when I first typed that, I wrote "suck meager pay"...Freudian slip??). So this is a sad case of getting what we pay for.
Also, I don't actually expect them to be perfect. Just pretty darn close (LOL). See, I taught with people who were incredibly gifted and very easily could've gone into, say, neurosurgery, but instead chose education because of their passion for teaching and, apparently, for being poor. (Which prompts yet another disclaimer: I know that most Americans are ludicrously wealthy compared to most of the world's population, but that's a soapbox I'll save for another day, count your lucky stars.)
So anyway, I guess I just keep hoping that my children will end up with those teachers. The ones who defy logic. And you know, sometimes my children do. But the odds are not in my favor, so I will do my best to shut up about educators in general from now on.
1. I love it here. Really, I do. Early on in summer, I was stretched out on backyard grass with wind in my hair, sky so blue it might burst above me, sunlight washing everything molten gold. It was the first time I consciously recognized how beautiful it is here.
2. Jan through March, I hate it here.
3. Chocolate chip cookies taste better with peanut butter and a bit of cinnamon mixed in, IMO. (For everyone Swiss or married to someone Swiss, IMO=in my opinion. Notice I didn’t use IMHO, which means in my humble opinion, as I would have been lying.)
4. I am not-so-secretly horrified at the number of structural errors in the classroom newsletters written by my children’s teachers throughout the year. These are the very people charged with the duty of teaching my sons how to spell, punctuate, and properly construct a sentence. (What was I thinking?) Tres annoying.
5. Not anywhere nearly annoying enough to persuade me to homeschool.
6. I am, right at this very moment, observing my daughter as she licks pencils. And wondering whether or not I should be concerned.
7. In spite of number 4, I have a penchant for using fragments, particularly for emphasis. Like this. But in my defense, it’s a stylistic thing, or at least that’s what I tell people.
8. My favorite Sesame Street characters are those weirdo jelly guys from outer space who only say, “Yep yepyepyepyepyep, Uh-huh, uh-huh,” followed by the Tweedlebugs who live in Bert’s flower box. The Count would be a distant third. (He has a great laugh.)
9. I’d still watch Fraggle Rock if it were on. (Yes, it’s supposed to be “were,” not “was,” because of the subjunctive mood. I think.)
10. I used to make fun of people who religiously watched Grey’s Anatomy and rehashed the drama between Meredith and McDreamy after each episode. And then I actually watched a show. And now I’m hooked, although I could do without all the extramarital steaminess.
11. I started a quilt for Ann and Jer’s baby two months ago. I joked w/Jeremy that hopefully it’ll be done before C graduates, but now it looks like maybe I wasn’t actually joking.
12. Despite living in this house since May, we still have a garage half-full of packed boxes. This gnaws at me, but then I unpack a box and I’m good for a week.
Okay, who's next?
Addendum: So now I'm seized with guilt for being the person who complains about hardworking teachers (I've always despised that person). So here's the thing:
Yes, I do realize that we cannot reasonably expect to attract the creme de la creme with such meager pay (haha, when I first typed that, I wrote "suck meager pay"...Freudian slip??). So this is a sad case of getting what we pay for.
Also, I don't actually expect them to be perfect. Just pretty darn close (LOL). See, I taught with people who were incredibly gifted and very easily could've gone into, say, neurosurgery, but instead chose education because of their passion for teaching and, apparently, for being poor. (Which prompts yet another disclaimer: I know that most Americans are ludicrously wealthy compared to most of the world's population, but that's a soapbox I'll save for another day, count your lucky stars.)
So anyway, I guess I just keep hoping that my children will end up with those teachers. The ones who defy logic. And you know, sometimes my children do. But the odds are not in my favor, so I will do my best to shut up about educators in general from now on.
1.Yes you should be concerned that elle is licking pencils.
2.You are so right the 'yep,yep' guys are the best, followed closely by Cookie Monster.
3.Yeah for coming over to the dark side of 'Grey's Anatomy'. It is my guilty pleasure (even though I don't like that saying).
4. I love the changing of the seasons, especially summer to fall! I mostly love to hear leaves crunch when I walk.
5.At least elle isn't sneaking pepto-bismo (sp?) from the fridge and drinking it.
1. Hm-m-m licking pencils. I will NOT even mention what another member of your family had in his mouth once.
2. I LOVE the changing of seasons, especially Fall. The beautiful leaves, and the fact that I can take out my sweaters to wear. I also like to have ONE good snowfall right at Christmas time, then I'm ready for the Spring!!
3.m-m-m Chocolate chip cookies ----It's been a long time since I have tasted one. Of course if I would bake sometimes----and NOT be on a diet. But the good news is, I'm down a couple of pounds. Whoo-hoo
4. I have no comment on Sesame street, since I only watch when grandkids are around, and I haven't gotten (oh dear, I'm sure that is not correct English)into Grey's Anatomy. But I won't mention how much I like to watch all of the Reality shows, much to my hubby's chagrin (sp?)
5. Packed boxes? Are you suppose to empty all of them?
6. Aw-w-w, I remember the days of a child drinking the Pepto Bismo. What sweet memories. :-)
Oh yes, forgot all about Cookie. He's a riot and a half!!
PS I'm finding it funny in a sad sort of way that I've now made everyone paranoid about their spelling and grammar.
Don't worry; as long as you're not getting paid to educate my kids, I'll leave you alone. ;)
I love the changing of the seasons, I even like winter. I know that makes me unpopular in my family, but I like it anyway. Chocolate Chip cookies are the absolute best. H-m-m-m come to think of it I haven't had one in a long time, go figure.
Pencil licking is a lost art. I, for one, am proud that my daughter is picking this up.
As for making people paranid about there spilling and gramar. Dont whorry, I am still confidant, because I now that I do those thungs well.
Hey now...its not my fault my hair grows slowly! I had a healthy imagination. Seriously though-lets talk about the cat food, that was super funny!
I am not quite sure whom you are referring to with this whole "cat food" incident.
I know of a tragic scene involving a litter box...however that only involves a relation to me. I will not mention the name to protect the innocent.
I want to make one thing clear...that "relation" that he's speaking of, it is NOT me! I wonder who that leaves.......
Love the blog....it's got a bookmark and a place in my daily rotation to check and read.....very well written and thought out...and thanks for the props on my blog...and I've changed the color scheme...let me know how that works for ya! Thanks!
Also, the teacher stuff is right on...we do get what we pay for...and we still complain about it...
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